Pretexts and PNAC


 “There is no telling how many wars it will take to secure freedom in the homeland.”

George W. Bush, speech on August 7, 2002

Hoodwinking the public into accepting wars is a very old tactic indeed. Under the tutelage of the British Empire, the United States of America has been one of the most violent “democracies” on earth. So-called US “interventions” as world policeman have been taking place in most vulnerable regions of the world for well over one hundred years. Given that most of the so-called threats against Western democracy are either a) weak and debt-ridden countries; b) installed with a US-NATO proxy dictator and c) ripe for resource picking. America and Britain’s record of invasion doesn’t stack up with the axis-of-evil regimes such as Iran who have never attacked anyone in over 200 years.

There was a reason that the Bush Administration’s then Senior Advisor and…

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