Yankee Imperialism in Panama

By Stephen Lendman
April 13, 2015
Global Research, April 12, 2015


imperialism_usaOn Saturday, the 7th annual Summit of the Americas concluded in Panama – a longtime US colony. Cuba participated for the first time since the inaugural 1994 event in Miami.

Obama met Cuba’s President Raul Castro – the first meeting between a US president and Cuban leader since the 1950s. More on this below.

Obama wants Washington’s regional imperial grip tightened – unchallenged like since the early 19th century.

Hugo Chavez once said “the American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination.”

“(W)e cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship…”

“What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?”

America “doesn’t want peace. It wants to (expand) its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony (worldwide) through war.”

On Friday, thousands of Venezuelans officially presented up to 11 million anti-imperial signatures – collected through a petition denouncing Obama declaring Venezuela an “extraordinary threat (to US) national security and imposing illegal sanctions on its targeted officials.

President Nicolas Maduro called the petition proof of “the history of the people of Simon Bolivar…evoked, and it remains awake and alert.”

“Venezuela is not alone,” he stressed. He presented the petition symbolically to Summit of the America’s participants. He intends sending it to Washington through diplomatic channels.

World leaders cannot “remain silent” about Washington’s treatment of Venezuela, he stressed.

This weekend was the first time all 35 regional presidents attended a Summit of the Americas.

The Havana Times hailed the “historic (Obama/R. Castro) handshake” – explaining profound differences between both countries remain.

Obama insulted Cuba. He met privately with Manuel Cuesta Morua and Laritza Diversen – dissidents Havana calls US-sponsored anti-government “mercenaries.”

A day before Summit of America leaders convened, about 2,000 activists participated in an alternative event in Panama – stressing solidarity against Washington’s longstanding regional imperial grip.

Last December, Obama lied saying Washington “is changing its relationship with the people of Cuba.”

Call it business as usual wrapped in smiles and handshakes. US imperial policy remains unchanged – in Latin America, the Caribbean and worldwide.

Washington alone supports boycotting Cuba. Over half a century of sanctions are illegal.

They have no legitimacy whatever. US policy makers use them with disturbing regularity.

So-called softening US/Cuban relations comes at the same time Congress passed the 2014 Venezuela Defense of Human and Civil Society Act – by voice vote in both houses unanimously.

It imposed illegitimate sanctions on Venezuelan officials. Obama added more unilaterally when he outrageously declared Venezuela a threat to US national security.

It represents the threat of a good example only – one vitally needed worldwide against America’s imperial agenda.

It includes endless wars of conquest and domination, subjugating millions wanting to live free.

In demonizing Venezuela, the world’s leading human rights abuser targeted one of its staunchest defenders.

Longstanding US policy targets all independent nations with regime change.

Thaw in US/Cuban relations appears more mirage than real. Washington wants unchallenged control over its former client state.

Reestablishing diplomatic relations opens Cuba to greater than ever infestation of CIA and other hostile US elements.

The State Department funded National Endowment of Democracy (NED) and other US imperial organizations already support anti-Cuban groups wanting regime change by any means possible.

Obama’s so-called outreach changes nothing. In retirement, 88-year-old Fidel Castro is the world’s preeminent elder statesman.

Last year he said “(g)lobal society has known no peace in recent years.”

Longstanding US imperial policy threatens Cuba “militarily.” It’s brazenly dishonest.

It serves monied interests exclusively. Rule of law principles and democratic rights are verboten.

Obama lied claiming Washington intends “develop(ing) a new relationship” with Cuba.

Why Cuba? Why now? Why at the same time he was caught red-handed plotting coup d’etat in Venezuela?

Why when US/Russian relations are worse than any time during the Cold War – when open conflict between both countries is possible?

Why when America’s homeland police state apparatus targets outspoken anti-war/human rights activists repressively?

Why when Obama is systematically raping Yemen? When he straightaway breached agreed on Iran nuclear program framework terms ahead of a final deal?

Why when nothing indicates a change in longstanding US policy – endless wars for unchallenged global dominance?

Conflicts giving Western corporate predators license to plunder subjugated nations and exploit their people ruthlessly.

A final declaration didn’t follow conclusion of this year’s Summit of the Americas.

Washington and Ottawa opposed including references to strengthening collective rights.

Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman said “no agreement (was reached) on several points, and as a result this summit will not have a final document.”

He called US and Canadian intransigence a “shame.” They opposed inclusion of clauses all other 33 countries supported.

They irresponsibly asserted their imperial arrogance. They demand their rights override all others.

“We oppose the interference of foreign countries in the internal affairs of other countries,” Timerman stressed.

Obama and Maduro met one-on-one at the summit. “We told each other the truth,” Maduro said.

Every regional country opposes US policy toward Venezuela. “We are in an era of new history,” Maduro told summit participants.

US policy is out-of-step, out-of-date and hardline. Nothing indicates positive change.

Longstanding Yankee imperial business as usual continues. Endless wars on humanity remain official US policy.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

9 thoughts on “Yankee Imperialism in Panama

  1. migarium

    Fidel Castro, at 26 April 1961 public trial in Havana, in Ciudad Deportiva spor, what was he saying to the American mercenaries, who have landed to Cuba?

    Arrested – Let Comandante, can I ask you a question? To us in training camp, they say one more thing among others, your management was communist government. I want to know if this is true.

    Fidel Castro – You have said that this management was communism. Eh? If so, what would happen it is true? Does this give you the right to attack this country? Has American capitalist regime got the right to force us to the monopoly regime! Or, they have the right to choose the appropriate self-management style for our public? It is none of USA business! …”

    But today, Castro cannot speak loud enough. I wished that no matter how old, he could feel the “Be realistic demand the impossible” idea as Che Guevera. That region needs to this, that continent needs to this, this planet needs to this.

    Quotes from: “Havana trial” recorded by Hans Magnus Enzensberger

    Liked by 1 person

      1. migarium

        Everything connected, such as domino. Today, people’s ignorance, slavery of humans to propagandas, monopolized corporations, political corruption, all are interconnected. Planet returned to garbage thoroughly in this case. I do not think any leader would emerge in this system. I think it would be as same as Newton’s 3rd law, “To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction”. Even this would not come from the people; when the systematic resistance of the nature will be broken, I think after a certain disaster will change to something on this planet for the balance. So for an extraterrestrial, laws of physics are more appropriate as scientifically.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. migarium

        Maybe I’m wrong, but I think you’re also, as far I can see what you wrote that you have no hope in collective actions of people. Of course, my words are still valid for Fidel Castro. My opinion, he is the “last imperialist bender” on this planet actually:) His words are listened and reliable. My wish is still valid for him. However, it makes more sense to evaluate the results of the laws of physics, in a century which people have not the conscious collective action ability. That’s it;)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. newsfortherevolution Post author

    I do believe in the collective actions of people, and I have hope that one day humanity will collectively unite, however what is lacking is the conscious awareness of our situation and the conscious awareness of our ability to change things. Maybe out of this oppression will arise those individuals who possess the ability to raise that awareness and unite humanity. Maybe it it will even be an extraterrestrial who takes pity on us earthlings 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. migarium

      I saw this comment yet dear earthling friend.:) Because of this is very realistic extraterrestrial, before performing the diagnosis, it always examines the diagnostic datas thoroughly, and it supports always hopes; and maybe who knows that one of them may come out of the extraterrestrial, for an equal world for both earthlings and extraterrestrials;) Woww, I’ve found right now, our new island republic motto: “An equal world for both earthlings and extraterrestrials” Hurray!:)

      Liked by 1 person


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