Drug use among British youth raises concerns

December 2, 2014


Concerns are rising in the UK about the high level of drug use among the British youth, Press TV reports.

According to recent report one in every 12 adults used an illicit drug in England and Wales over the past year, but the prime concern is specifically the high level of drug use among the British youth.

“We must be concerned about young people’s drug use, school children particularly, daily or compulsive or regular drug use. If you have young people under 18, who have become accustomed to using drugs every day, that’s quite a significant sign for what might be developing problems later in life. So youth agencies, drug treatment agencies need to intervene as best as they can,” Mike Trace, the chairman of the International Drug Policy Consortium, told the Press TV correspondent in London.

According to data released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, there have been 67,926 diagnoses of mental health and behavioral problems in relation to illegal drug use in the UK.

“There is a small proportion, five to 10 percent, who develop pathological addictive patterns of use, and there is a strong correlation amongst that group and various forms of crime. Primarily, they need to raise a lot of money to pay for their supply of drugs, and that money is regularly raised from forms of crime, whether it be drug dealing or property crime. So it is this group who are most marginalized from society,” Trace added.


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